Frequently Asked Questions

The solutions provided on this page serve as a guide and reference. If any of them do not resolve the issue in your specific environment, please reach out to your authorized DCC dealer for more assistance.


How long do the batteries last in the nurse call devices?

The batteries of our nurse call devices typically have a lifespan of 1 - 3 years. DCC continuously monitors all devices and will promptly alert you when a battery is nearing depletion.


Does DCC have a mobile app?

Yes, it's called DCare™ and it is available for iOS and Android.


Does DCC offer reporting?

Yes, DCC offers built-in reporting functionality that is easily configured and customized to meet the needs of your community.


If a resident activates an alarm, are all caregivers notified?

We will customize the alert escalation groups to tailor it to accommodate the specific requirements of your community. Notifications can be configured to send to all staff members or customized into an escalation pattern based on your preferences.


Do you provide support after the system is installed?

Yes, we provide support in conjunction with our authorized partner. 1 year of software maintenance is included with your new DCC system.


What if the power goes out?

Most DCC devices are equipped with battery backups, ensuring that our system can continue to operate for at least several hours in the event of power loss.


What is the data retention period for DCC's logging and reporting? Can I access data from multiple years ago?

All data collected by your DCC server is archived indefinitely, ensuring that you have quick access to both current and past for incident reporting or data analysis.


What if my server is server goes down?

DCC supports automatic daily cloud backup of the system configuration.


Who will be responsible for the maintenance of the system?

The routine upkeep of your system, including the ongoing maintenance of wireless devices with low batteries, can be managed by a designated member of your team. However, for more pressing and unexpected system issues, you will reach out to our authorized partner that is maintaining your system.


How do I clear a pendant alarm?

Simply tap the magnetic clearance card to the pendant, or enter a customized button press.


How do I add a new pendant to my system?

Don't sweat it, training and user guides will be provided to make day-to-day changes such as adding new pendants simple and easy!


How do I assign a pendant to a new user?

Don't sweat it, training and user guides will be provided to make day-to-day changes such as assigning new devices to a resident simple and easy!


How do I replace the battery in my pendant?

Simply twist the rear battery cover door counter-clockwise to gain access and replace the battery.


Will I have to purchase more devices when there is resident turnover?

All devices have the flexibility to be reassigned to different residents or locations. The process of reassigning devices is thoroughly explained in the DCC user guide, allowing administrators to effortlessly reassign devices without the need for technical assistance.


How do I get support for my legacy DCC Pro / Lite system?

Contact Us for more details. We'd love to help!


How do I get support for my Unified Communications / Call Centre Application?

Contact Us for more details. We'd love to help!


We need to replace our Panasonic DECTs or PBX connected to DCC Pro or DCC Lite, what do I need to do?

Contact Us for more details. We'd love to help!

Partnered communities of Poltys DCC not only gain access to a cutting-edge technology platform but also receive comprehensive support from an organization that genuinely comprehends their business and day-to-day activities. Whether it involves collaborating with community administrators or assisting established businesses in achieving greater efficiency, our team and authorized partners are fully prepared to facilitate improved outcomes for all residents and staff members.

Expert Installer Partners

Expert Installer Partners

Proven, Reliable Technology

Proven, Reliable Technology

Comprehensive Support

Comprehensive Support

What you get from Poltys DCC



Increased sense of comfort & security

Faster response speed of staff

Make residents feel connected

Mobile durress pendants

Voice call-back to the room provides a more immediate repsonse

Provide family members peace of mind knowing their loved ones are well connected to their care provider

Care Staff

Care Staff

Boost productivity by eliminating multiple walk-ins

Provide increased sense of staff security with staff duress alerts

Reduce overall stress by lowering alarm fatigue

Optimized workflow with customizable alarm priorities

Staff-to-staff communication



Advance resident safety

Reduce staff turnover

Increase resident satisfaction

Increase overall efficiencies

Intelligently shift/allocate resources based on data

Measure staff efficiency/performance

Reduce liabilities with sensors for doors, windows, water & fire