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Poltys Inc.
3300 N. Main Street, Suite D
Anderson, SC, 29621-4128, USA

What you get from Poltys DCC



Increased sense of comfort & security

Faster response speed of staff

Make residents feel connected

Mobile durress pendants

Voice call-back to the room provides a more immediate repsonse

Provide family members peace of mind knowing their loved ones are well connected to their care provider

Care Staff

Care Staff

Boost productivity by eliminating multiple walk-ins

Provide increased sense of staff security with staff duress alerts

Reduce overall stress by lowering alarm fatigue

Optimized workflow with customizable alarm priorities

Staff-to-staff communication



Advance resident safety

Reduce staff turnover

Increase resident satisfaction

Increase overall efficiencies

Intelligently shift/allocate resources based on data

Measure staff efficiency/performance

Reduce liabilities with sensors for doors, windows, water & fire